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Planning Board Minutes 08/04/2011
August 4, 2011
Conceptual Consultation – Koziell Case #2011-02PB (postponed)
Green Ridge Road LLC Request for Extension

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        David Dubois (Member)   
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        John Robertson (Ex-Officio)    Charles Levesque (Member)
Members & Staff Absent:
Scott Burnside (Member)          Andrew Robblee (Chair)   Martha Pinello (Member)
Steve Schacht (Alternate)       Mike Tatro (Alternate)
Public Attendees:
Ron Haggett             Shelley Nelkens Molly Moore-Lazar               

7:00 PM – Review Period
  • Review July 21 and July 28 Minutes  - Approve Minutes
  • Appoint alternates to sit for absent members
7:15PM – Public Meeting

Vice – Chair Lazar – opened the meeting at 7:02PM. It was determined that the minutes would be postponed until the next meeting.

  • Green Ridge Road LLC – Request for Extension Update – John Cook (owner)
Mr. Cook explained his position on the subdivision. He will extend the bond with Salem Five. As the Real Estate market has not improved, he has not done anything and the bank does not want to lend money unless, there is a buyer. Drainage was discussed. Vice-Chair Lazar stated that the PB was primarily concerned with the road. Mr. Cook said that it was an approved design. Mr. Dubois recollected that an underdrain was needed. The storm water goes down the road. There was an issue – catch basin at the bottom was not capturing the water. Mr. Dubois wanted to review the details of the bond in order to determine that it was sufficient. Mr. Cook said that nothing had changed. Mr. Cook said that the remainder of the bond was to repair Ashley Road. Mr. Cook said that he has every intention of doing the right thing. Mr. Cook said that he had spoken with the road agent last summer. Mr. Cook said that a swale change could change the direction of the stormwater. Mr. Levesque wanted to know what the issue is. Mr. Lazar said that there were deficiencies. Mr. Dubois read from the minutes of last year,  stating that there were issues on the road. The discussion continued. Mr. Dubois would like to attach a condition that the town engineer should review the road and determine if the bond should be increased. Mr. Levesque stated that in 2012, the town engineer should review the road and determine whether or not the bond should be increased. Mr. Lazar stated that there were some problems with the road and that it will need to be reviewed at 60-days prior to the bond.

Mr. Dubois moved to renew the bond and the subdivision approval with the condition that there will be no further renewal until the town engineer had review the condition of the road to determine if  the bond value is still sufficient by the next renewal date. Mr. Lévesque seconded.
Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes. The motion was approved.

Town of Antrim, New Hampshire Industrial Scale Wind Ordinance (8/4/2011) Update – Discuss dates and Public Hearing posting

Mr. Dubois updated the Board members. He stated that Ms. Ogilvie had taken the 7/5/11 draft and had made comments and suggestions in the margins. The Ad Hoc Committee discussed the comments line by line. Ms. Ogilvie then revised the draft Ordinance for the 7/31/11 version.  That version was revised to become the 8/4/11 version.

Mr. Dubois stated that there were still items that needed attention. The Committee was still waiting for the report from Hassan/Garrard concerning setbacks, height and sound. The report is anticipated to arrive on 8/8/11. the Ad Hoc committee will meet on Tuesday, 8/9/11 to discuss the report. The Planning board will meet on 8/11 for a work session to discuss the draft ordinance. He said that it may not be adopted on the 8/11 but would be ready for the Public Hearings. No further changes would be made until after the first Public Hearing.

Mr. Dubois stated that the current version of the draft ordinance is more organized and more readable. He gave credit to both Ms. Ogilvie and Ms. Gard for their legal expertise.

The Secretary was asked to contact Ms. Ogilvie and ask if she would write the Public Hearing Notice.

PSNH Tree Trimming and Removal – September 1, 2011 Public Hearing – The Secretary explained that PSNH is planning to trim and remove trees and brush adjacent to nearly all of its power lines within the town. The letter sent by PSNH was a formal request for a public hearing with the Planning Board for the purpose of the trimming and removal of trees on scenic as well as non-scenic roads. The Public Hearing has been set for September 1, 2011.

Legal Fundraising Status – Memo from town Administrator to Treasurer The Treasurer has received a memo from the Town Administrator requesting him to withdraw $4800.00 in the form of a cashiers check to pay for a portion of Attorney Little’s bill.

Natural Gas Pipeline Safety – Notice from National Grid - FYI
At 8:30 PM, Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Mr. Dubois seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board